Dt. Suhani Kumari

MSc - Nutrition and Dietetics, Therapist, Dietitian/Nutritionist

About Dt. Suhani Kumari

1 Year Experience Overall Ms Suhani Kumari is working with Prudent International Health Clinic Kalyani Nagar & Navi peth Pune

Doctor Information

Ms Suhani Kumari is working with Prudent International Health Clinic Kalyani Nagar & Navi peth Pune. She is working with Prudent Clinic as Senior Dietitian.

Dr. Suhani Kumari is a leading specialist in lifestyle and obesity management, she changes the way you eat forever with her acute understanding of nutrition and its significance in the diet. She has a Masters degree in Foods & Nutrition. Her profound knowledge in the field of nutrition and dietetics has made her the youngest most Nutritionists in the country. She believes that all the joy of life comes from the right food you eat- in right amounts and, at the right time.

Suhani Kumari Specialises in the field of sports as well as clinical nutrition. As part of sports nutrition, she covers most sports nutrition sub-specialties like carbohydrate loading, hydration strategy, energy & endurance, muscle building, insulin management, optimize performance and sports nutritional deficiency. As part of clinical nutrition, she covers Human nutrition (Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence, Adulthood & Older Adulthood), Weight Management, Medical Nutrition Therapy (e.g. Diabetes, Hypertension, Eating disorders, Thyroid, PCOS) as well as corporate nutrition classes.

Suhani Kumari Specialises in weight Loss & weight gain and she helps patient in losing or gaining weight in very short span of time with excellent results & balance diet for the body. Her Diet helps patient to reduce weight or gain weight with keeping in mind the body requirement of Nutrients, proteins, minerals, carbs etc…

Suhani Kumari tailor makes the diet packages for 5 weeks or 10 weeks for the patient as per their need & a unique way of follow-up which increases the chance of patient of getting good results.

Suhan Kumari’s Patients have lost good weight in her 5 week & 10 week program.